Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 25

Today was a rainy day so I took a couple of hours and went through my closet and drawers for things I know longer wore, loved or needed. A year ago I purged 80% of my belongings and decided I wanted to have a more “minimalist” lifestyle.  It is an incredible feeling to only own the things I need, love and use. A “clutter free” lifestyle frees up all my time as my beautiful apartment is so easy to clean and everything has a place so I don’t have to spend time looking for things. And all the belonging I had that I didn’t use went to people in need instead of filling closets or collecting dust.

Today I went through all my winter and summer clothes and filled four blue bags full of things that no longer fit, or that I didn’t wear over the past six months. I read somewhere that we only wear 20% of the clothes we own, so why bother keeping the other 80%. It is better to give the clothes away while they still have value so that someone else can enjoy them. I donated the four bags to Value Village, and they will sell them to someone who needs them. As an added bonus to my donation, all the proceeds from Value Village go to the Canadian Diabetes Association.

Tonight was the PEI Wine Festival and I decided to be the designated driver so that my friends could sample all the wines they wanted. Instead of drinking the wine from every station I was selective in my choices and just had a sip of each rather than drinking the full amount they gave me. I spent so much time chatting with everyone that was there that I lost interest in the wine and just enjoyed the great conversations. I don’t even think I had an accumulation of one glass the whole evening but I had so much fun. Everyone was appreciative to have me as DD for the night as well :)

"A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves". ~ Amelia Earhart


  1. Jodi, you are one of the kindess most selfless people I know. You provide random asks of kindness daily without effort, or propably even knowing you are doing it. A ray of sunshine you are, and I'm blessed to call you friend.

  2. You are such a sweetheart Tracy, thank you for your kind words. I am grateful to have you in my life - you are such an amazing friend xoxo
