Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 16

I find this RAOK is really becoming ingrained in my daily life, I know it takes 21 days to make a habit but by day 16 of this challenge it is really starting to stick. Today I found myself in a bit of a routine, holding doors for people when they were 20 steps away, smiling at strangers without effort, dropping loonies in buskers’ guitar cases,  and feeding expired meters. I guess this challenge is having more of an impact on me than I thought it would - I just have this overwhelming feeling of complete happiness, looking everywhere for ways to spread kindness.

Today I did the Canadian Armed Forces Fitness Test. We were split into groups and none of us really knew each other. The test was tough because we weren’t doing it at an average pace; our competitive nature kicked in and we were trying to beat each other’s scores.  The last station everyone was wiped and our bodies were full of adrenaline and lactic acid. Despite how wrecked we felt, it was so amazing to see how encouraging everyone was and cheering each other on. The cheering really made me push another 150%. We kept each other going, to me that is pure kindness in action. The competitive rivalry melted away and it turned into a team effort instead of individual. It was exhilarating to be part of it.

On my way home from work I saw this darling boy with little crutches that hooked around his forearms, he appeared to be talking to people but they just kept on walking.  I stopped when I got to him and he asked if I wanted to buy a ticket, I knew I didn’t have any cash (I’m a debit girl) but scrounged in my purse for enough change for a ticket and even a little tip for being such a good salesperson. I asked what the tickets were for and he said to win money. He was adorable, turns out he was in grade 1 and was selling tickets for his brother’s grade 6 class, and his quiet brother was in the background letting him work his magic. That sweet boy made my evening – you could tell he loved helping his brother just by his interactions with me.

Last but not least, I received a nice tweet on my blog post from – a global community of individuals focused on making a positive impact in the lives of the people around them. I signed up for the email listing where they send out a weekly assignment that takes just 15 minutes or less to complete – all contributing efforts to make the world a better place. I am excited for my first assignment – bring it on, I’m ready :)

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