Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 1

I have wanted to do a random acts of kindness blog for the longest time – and now the time is finally here :)  I try to practice kindness every day but thought that doing a blog challenge would encourage me to think of something unique to do each day.  I saw this video back in early 2012 and I loved how the smallest little acts became contagious. You do something nice for one person and both of you feel great - all of a sudden it becomes a butterfly effect and kindness is everywhere. That special look in someone’s eye when you have done something kind or when they witness kindness is the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed. Here is the video, you will understand my feelings once you watch it:

This week I am travelling so it may be a bit more challenging as I am out of my element but looking forward to it. I met my friend Tabatha yesterday for breakfast and asked her what she would do for “random acts” in Ottawa.  She said she would get a box of granola bars and give them out randomly to homeless people.

This sounded easy but fun, so I went to Shoppers’ and bought 4 boxes of granola bars. I filled my purse with 20 of them and went for a walk around the city. To my surprise I didn't see one homeless person. I started to feel a bit discouraged but kept walking. 

I was meeting a friend on Elgin street and I could not find my way, not thinking of course to use google maps I asked 3 random strangers over the course of 45 minutes if I was heading in the right direction. Each of them was so friendly and took the time to tell me how far away I was and if I was headed in the right direction. So to thank them I gave them a granola bar, they smiled and thanked me.
I also gave two road workers who were sweating bullets a granola bar, they seemed very appreciative (I just wish I had have had water for them too, what a hot day).

After I left Lieutenant’s Pub I finally saw 3 homeless people on my walk home.  I gave them each a bar, one was so hungry he ripped off the wrapper and ate it in what seemed like one bite. That made me sad so I gave him two more. It felt good to be able to help someone else. That was the reaction that made me feel like day one of my challenge was successful.

I still had lots of granola bars left but decided to keep them in my purse for the rest of the week in hopes I would be able to find more people that would appreciate the kind gesture.

It just goes to show that something as small as giving someone a little treat can make you feel like you made a difference in their day.

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