Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 23

This morning I signed up to be a volunteer at the PEI Humane Society. We adopted our dogs Deuce and Abby from there 10 years ago and have always been grateful to them for giving us those two beautiful gifts of unconditional love. I give a bi-weekly charitable donation to Humane Society through payroll deductions but I wanted to do more – I wanted to give my time.  So in a week I get to go to an orientation session and then I get to volunteer as much or as little as I want – they make it so easy. If you wake up that morning and want to donate a ½ hour of your time you go online and pick a time available. If you can’t make it you just go on the site and remove your name. I would like to aim for an hour a week to begin.

 I always wanted to be a Veterinarian since I was 13 years old.  I volunteered at the Atlantic Veterinary Teaching Hospital and Abegweit Vet clinic growing up and in University I participated in several surgeries and did many dissections on animals.  I felt this was my calling and didn’t consider any other career path at that point in time.  Sadly I didn’t realize how hard euthanasia would be…I had to put down a Chinese pug. He was looking at me with those big brown eyes, and tears started streaming down my face. Within a few minutes he was gone. I was numb…and every night before I went to bed I thought of that little face. Three weeks later it wasn’t getting any easier so I decided I could no longer become a Vet. It takes a very strong person to be a Vet, to put those feelings in your heart aside, knowing you are doing what is best for the animals.

I learned a lot when our Abby girl got sick with Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia, Vasculitis and then Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia. It was a really difficult 8 months but we worked with several vets and specialists, and did everything we could to save her precious life. She was amazing and I would have done anything to save her.

 I really want to get back working with animals again. I know it will be hard to see all the animals at the Humane society without homes (and I know I will want to adopt every one of them) but I have so much love to give, if I can make a difference in their lives and help them feel safe before they get adopted, then it will all be worth it.

Today at lunch I dropped off a big supply of toys, poop bags, dog treats, cat treats, blankets and towels for the animals. The lady at the counter was very appreciative of all the items. I also brought in some cupcakes for the employees /volunteers as I wanted them to know how much they are appreciated.  She was so happy, she put a message out on the walkie-talkies that there were cupcakes in the kitchen for everyone :) Today’s kindness made me smile for hours :)

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