Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 17

Happy Friday! I was walking to get a coffee this morning and saw 4 people on stationary bikes peddling their little hearts out for donations to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I decided those four people were going to be my kindness today, and I would get them a little refreshing treat for a surprise. When I was walking inside to buy the drinks I saw the lady that sells The Guardian newspaper every day and she always holds the door open for everyone. I decided I would get her a treat too. So I went and picked up two strawberry smoothies and three lemonade smoothies. When I was leaving she held the door open for me again and I said to her “I bought you this to thank you for always being such a kind person holding the door for everyone when you are selling your newspapers”.  I don’t think I have ever seen her smile so big, I really made her happy, I am not sure if anyone has ever done that for her before. Then I took the other 4 drinks to the bikers who were really working up a sweat on this chilly day. They were grateful too and were so friendly.  We were strangers but for that moment in time it felt like we had known each other forever. I smiled my whole way back to work, it brightened my morning.

It was a quiet day at work, I had lots to do but there was no chatter and very little background noise as a lot of people in my area took the day off to make it an extra long weekend. It was grey and rainy so I went to visit my favourite store MoonSnail on my lunch break for some positive energy.  I looked around for a bit and was drawn to the snow white Himalayan rock salt lamp. I have an orange one at home in my meditation room and I leave it on 24 hours a day as it purifies the surrounding atmosphere by releasing negative ions into the air which provide essential health benefits. I decided to buy this one for my office as a gesture of kindness (lol), and to cheer up my mood on this rainy cold day. My colleagues will also reap the benefits of this amazing rock, so it can be considered kindness for them as well :)

It came with four different chakra lights for chromotherapy. I took a photo of my new rock lamp with each of the 4 lights, it appears to be 4 different rocks – amazing what chakra bulbs can do.

Magnificent, soul warming and magical.

Now I know what I am about to write isn’t going to offer value added to my RAOK blog, but for those of you that know me I love this kind of stuff so I will digress (on purpose) for a moment :)

Here are the benefits of the coloured Chakra lights:

Healing white light is good for everything; it’s the perfect colour because it combines all colours - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet light. The innate intelligence of the body will take whatever colour it needs. White is associated with the seventh or crown chakra.

Green light supports love, communication and acceptance. Green is the colour of nature. Green links with and stimulates the fourth or heart chakra promoting harmony and balance.

Blue light increases calmness, peace, love, inner peace and devotion. Blue links with and stimulates the fifth or throat chakra promoting open communication.

Red light increases physical energy, vitality, stamina and passion. It’s a grounding colour. Red links with and stimulates the first or root chakra, at the base of the spine, resulting in greater strength.

I have no idea why I didn't get one of these for work sooner, I may have to pick one of the snow whites up for home too, so mesmerizing. 

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